Thursday, 19 December 2013

FPInnovations - Guide for Designing Energy-Efficient Building Enclosures

Whether you are designing single or multi-family dwellings, this Wood-Frame Multi-Unit Residential design guide  from FPInnovations is packed with valuable design information and the relevant science behind each design.

Sponsored in part by the Homeowner Protection Office and prepared by RDH Building Engineering, the 244 Page guide contains information on building energy efficient assemblies in various configurations including split insulation, double stud, mass timber, and wood frame infill.

While I chose to not build to any of these specific assemblies in my dwelling, my design still relies on the fundamental principles expressed and recommended in this guide.  I have also had the privilege of attending many of the lead author's (Graham Finch - RDH) building science courses and seminars over the last 3 years.  His knowledge and ability to disseminate the information in an understandable manner has helped me immensely in my ability to absorb and understand the key building science principles discussed throughout this guide, including the importance of assemblies that can perspire, as well as the importance and impact of reducing thermal bridging.

Whether building a code minimum house or going to the other extreme and building a Passive House, this guide has got something for you and should be part of your reference library.

I give it two thumps up!

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