Tuesday 20 March 2012

Tell the Senate to stop silencing environmental groups.

Please sign this petition today.

If we have any chance of repairing our environment we need to take serious steps now to reduce our carbon output.  We need to make the smart and hard choices.  We cannot continue to always choose the economy over protecting our planet or we will find that we run out of time (if we have not already) to make a meaningful difference. 

The oil sands are not a resource that we should be developing.  It is not about the horrible destruction this development is doing to the Alberta habitat.  It is not about how inefficient the process is or how wasteful this industry is to a precious resource - water.  

It is about the fact that this planet cannot handle the carbon that would be released if the oil reserve in these sands is burned in combustion engines.  Just because it is there does not mean it is right that we harvest it. 

We instead need to switch over to renewable energy now on a grand scale.  We need to stop subsidizing the petroleum industry and instead focus this vast volume of funds to developing new technologies and implementing those technologies already available.

Unless we take these steps and take them now, we stand little chance of healing our environment.

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