Saturday, 12 October 2013

Getting Closer!

Working on finalizing drawings for the structural engineer on Tuesday (more on finding an engineer in the days ahead). LONG days over the last week to get finished. Had some real problems balancing roof insulation levels, cost, weight, and neighbourhood bylaw roof height. John at Alliance Truss helped A LOT! Finished the 3D model tonight and now just need to update the 2D AutoCAD model to pass off to the engineer Tuesday morning. Hopefully no surprises and we can apply for permits at the end of the month!
I am using Home Designer Pro to create my 3D model.  It automatically creates the framing once you draw the walls.  This can be both a blessing and a curse.  A lot of times the program is too smart for its own good and you have to figure out why it is putting a piece of wood sticking our the middle of your roof.  But it is certainly faster than drawing all by hand and the program does a great job of identifying where you have conflicts.

Blackberry gave up hours ago and was snoring until I took the picture.

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